Bookkeeping & Accounting Service
Business bookkeeping can be a daunting task - for any business owner! Let us handle your books. We have 65+ years of combined strategic planning and bookkeeping experience. We utilize QuickBooks desktop to combine our Operations Assistance, Business Consulting, and our Accounting Services to be able provide a service of things that you don’t need to do as the business owner!
The Discovery Process
Our Accounting Services start with a Discovery Process & Onboarding through our Business Consulting Program. This will start with a checklist of items that will need to be completed before we begin building your QuickBooks profile and start to do the current year’s entries. These services within this consulting will consist of:
Monthly Review Meeting with You the Client (Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Job Review, Sales Tax Status)
Bi-Weekly Book Review & Configuration, As Necessary.
Financial Cash Flow Review & Planning
Consulting and Best Practice on Tax, Cash Flow, Jobs, etc.
Business Operations Review & Planning (Future Succession Planning)
Homework Items
Accounting Services
The initial set up and entry of your QuickBooks file is the hard part! During the Discovery Process, we will learn the way YOU have been doing your books then provide ideas and new processes that we can start to implement right away so you can go out doing what you love without this hassle. The initial set up and YTD entries process will be at an hourly rate. After you and your consultant have determined that these tasks are completed and caught up to date, we will drop to a monthly fee. This fee varies per customer and will be determined after set-up. These Accounting Services will consist of:
Monthly Accounting Maintenance (Pay bills, vendors, and monthly banking reconciliation)
Bi-Weekly Expense Entries (Receipts, bills, etc.)
Providing Monthly and Quarterly Reporting for P&L and Balance for Review Meeting
Customer Invoicing and Follow Up
Monthly Review of Taxes and End of Year Tax Filing (Optional)
Payroll – Subcontractors / Employees